About Candidate
My name is Muneeb Ahmed, and I am currently a 4th-semester student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology. I have experience teaching students from diverse backgrounds and age groups, specializing in the subject of biology. I am confident in my ability to teach biology up to the F.Sc. level, and I am also capable of teaching all other subjects up to the matric level. I am committed to proving myself as a capable and effective instructor, In sha Allah.
Classes Taught
I have taught following classes
Class 1to8 ( All subjects)
Class 9 and 10 ( Science Subjects)
Class 11 and 12 ( Biology)
Subjects taught
Maths ( 1 to 8)
Chemistry (1 to 10)
Physics (1 to 10)
Biology (1 to 12)
Time Availability
Available every day from 4to6 pm and then from 9 to 11 pm
Dr. Tahir Baig
Assistant Professor, ASAB
0333 4201464
Work & Experience
Biology teacher for matric and fsc
I teach Arabic grammer