About Candidate

Aafia Sarosh experienced tutor in Islamabad

Classes Taught
  • Class 9-10
  • Pre O level
  • Class 1-8
  • Montessori
  • PG-Nur-KG-PRep
  • Early Years


Subjects taught
  • Renewable energy,
  • environmental science,
  • geography,
  • geology,
  • English,
  • biotechnology
  • Science,
  • Urdu
  • Mathematics
Tutoring rates
  • 8000-15000
Time Availability
  • 10:00am- 12:00 am
  • 4:00pm - 9:00pm



2019 Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG | Berlin, Germany Photovoltaics Train-the-Trainer (Training Certificate)

MSc Renewable Energy 2017
The University of Hull, UK

2017 The University of Hull, UK MSc Renewable Energy

BS (hons.) Science 2013
International Islamic University, Islamabad

2013 International Islamic University, Islamabad BS (hons.) Science

O.P.F Girls College F-8/2 Islamabad F.Sc 2009
O.P.F Girls College F-8/2 Islamabad

2009 O.P.F Girls College F-8/2 Islamabad F.Sc

Work & Experience

Lecturer 2022 - till data
Air University

Lecturer โ€ข Air University Islamabad โ€ข Contribute to the integration of topics related to renewable energy, especially solar, in the curriculum. โ€ข Analyze and clarify information, data, and research regarding prospects of renewable energy. โ€ข Analyze existing energy legislation, regulations, policies, and practices to determine actual and potential deployment of renewable sources.

Lecturer Feb 2022 - Aug 2022
International Islamic University Islamabad

Lecturer โ€ข International Islamic University Islamabad Conducted research and taught courses related to environmental studies.

WIRE (Women In Renewable Energy) Oct 2019 - Sep 2021
Energy and Environment Consultant

Energy and Environment Consultant โ€ขWIRE (Women In Renewable Energy) โ€ข Engaged clients to improve Pakistan's renewable energy systems and markets. โ€ข Provided advice to government agencies and environmental groups through studies, reports, and other written materials.

Audit Manager Feb 2018 - Sept 2019
Atheer Tabah Est. (ATE), Dammam, KSA

Audit Manager โ€ข Atheer Tabah Est. (ATE), Dammam, KSA โ€ข Identified environmental and social risks and any gaps in impact assessments and management plans for alignment with ISO Standards - Quality Management and ISO 14001:2004/2015. โ€ข Collaborated with stakeholders to develop educational and outreach programs regarding climate change.

Deputy Manager Representative Jan 2017 - June 2017
The University of Hull, UK

Deputy Manager Representative โ€ข The University of Hull, UK โ€ข Successfully implemented the continual improvement plan leading to improved environmental performance and reduced environmental risks.

Operations Analyst Sept 2013 - Oct 2016
Mobile Phones Giant Limited, Hull, UK

Operations Analyst โ€ข Mobile Phones Giant Limited, Hull, UK โ€ข Managing the team to develop and apply methods and tools, collect and analyze data, integrate and interpret results, and communicate the resulting information in publications and presentations. โ€ข Developed monthly work plans and prepare materials for bi-annual project supervision reports which track progress against project log frame targets, assess lessons learned and update and manage risks/risk management.


Experienced tutor


Awarded 2nd position for presenting a conference paper at 1st National Conference in Pakistan held in Khanaspur, Ayubia.
Team Leader
โ€ข Team leader at WIRE (Women in Renewable Energy) Pakistan. โ€ข Featured in The Guardian magazine, UK after my hard work and leadership qualities being noticed.
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