About Candidate

Sir ASIF Ali. I’m professor Asif Ali working as lecturer biology IMCB G-13 Islamabad. I have graduated from university of Punjab. I have vast experience of teaching biology to 9-10 , FSC and O/A level students for 8 years.

Summarized Profile

I worked as lecturer biology at well known institutions. And currently working as lecturer biology IMCB G-13 Islamabad

Classes Taught

Matriculation FSC and O/A level students

Subjects taught
Tutoring rates

As per demand of the subject

Time Availability
  • 24/7

Students remained satisfied all the time


Mostly students get excellent results in biology
Following students get maximum marks in biology MDCAT
Nimra Muneer 64/68
Shahid Irfan 63/68
Imtiaz Ali. 63/68
Akif Javed. 62/68
Sidra. 62/68
And many more

My A+ Achieving Strategy

focus on the core concepts of biology to facilitate the students in getting good grades

Teaching methods

lecture method as well as demonstration method

tutor\'s specialty areas

Physiology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry etc

tutor\'s teaching philosophy.

To enable the students for getting the main concepts of biology as a subject

Suitable Areas

Islamabad mainly


M. Sc zoology 2018
Punjab university

I have graduated from university of Punjab

Work & Experience

Lecturer 01-09-2018 - 30-09-2022
Pak Turk Maarif international college Lahore

I have worked as lecturer biology at Pak Turk Maarif international college Lahore

Lecturer biology 03-10-2022 - Continue
IMCB G-13 Islamabad

I'm currently working as lecturer biology at IMCB G-13 Islamabad


Model making of biology