Ahmad Khan
About Candidate
I am a Biology and Chemistry Teacher at The City School.
Summarized Profile
I am working as a Biology and Chemistry teacher for more than 6 years at different levels.
Classes Taught
I am teaching O levels Physics, Chemistry and Biology along with A levels Biology and Chemistry.
Subjects taught
Physics Chemistry Biology
Tutoring rates
It varies according to the number of days required per week. Generally 15000Pkr per subject.
Time Availability
I am available in Evening time.
All the above credentials are correct.
Teaching methods
Firstly I cover the topic then I give practice question lastly I assess and discuss student's weak areas.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Delivering concepts in an easy way. Fast revision
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
come on the students level before teaching him or her.
Suitable Areas
All over lahore
Work & Experience
I was a Biology and Chemistry teacher at LPS.