Esha Batool
About Candidate
Hello! My name is Esha Batool and I am doing bachelor’s in biotechnology from Lahore medical and dental college.I am a learning enthusiast infact, I am in love with learning. I think the best tutor is the one who never stops being a student. Would you agree? Over the past few years I have had the privilege of teaching students from beginner to advanced levels and I am well versed in using digital tools to enhance student learning
Classes Taught
- Secondary & higher school students
- 9th/10th
- Fsc
- A/O level
Subjects taught
- Biology
- Zoology
- Biochemistry
- Cell Biology
- Molecular biology
- Microbiology
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Genetics
- Organic chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
- Physical chemistry
- Analytical chemistry
Tutoring rates
- Hourly rate (1000/_)
- Monthly ( 20,000-30,000)
Time Availability
Flexible availability
- Elizabeth AQA biology secured A grade
- Uni GCSE secured A grade
- Ayesha secured A2 O-level
- Nadia secured 90% matric board
- Jack secured 94% marks and now admitted to monash university, Malaysia
- Sundus secured 89% in 9th board
- Aliza secured 84% in 9th board
- Daniel secured A in IGCSE
- Jenny secured A2 grade in AQA
- Vladislav secured 79% in 9th board
- Ammara secured 89% in fsc
- Sehar secured 93% in 1st year
- Hammad secured 87% in 9th
- Abu bakar secured 77% in 8th grade
- Khadija got 95% in 8th grade
My A+ Achieving Strategy
As an online tutor,I will create personalized learning plans for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses. I will use interactive tools like quizzes and discussions to keep them engaged and reinforce concepts. I'll provide regular feedback and set clear, achievable goals for each session. Additionally, I'll maintain a supportive environment to encourage questions and boost motivation. plans for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses. I will use interactive tools like quizzes and discussions to keep them engaged and reinforce concepts. I'll provide regular feedback and set clear, achievable goals for each session. Additionally, I'll maintain a supportive environment to encourage questions and boost motivation.
Teaching methods
My teaching methodology is very simple, first 5 mins are for the revision of previous lesson and then I move forward towards current lesson's topic and last 5 mins are sum up of the whole lesson. I create an engaging and interactive session in which students are freely allowed to ask questions
tutor\'s specialty areas
I am well versed in using digital tools to enhance student learning
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My aim is to help you understand complex concepts, improve your grades and create a friendly learning environment.
My bachelor's degrees is a multidisciplinary science degree which enables me to teach different courses related to biology as well as chemistry
Work & Experience
I worked as a biology instructor at Lahore science academy for almost 3 years