About Candidate
Hello! I’m Mahnoor Batool , a dedicated tutor with *4* years of experience in Maths & Computer . My goal is to make learning engaging and effective for every student I work with. With a teaching experience , I have a solid foundation in Maths & Computer and I’m committed to helping students achieve their academic goals and build confidence in their abilities.
Classes Taught
Subjects taught
Maths & Computer
Tutoring rates
Monthly 20000 -25000
Time Availability
evening time
tutor\'s specialty areas
test prep , homework help
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My approach to tutoring is centered on personalized, engaging, and supportive education that empowers students to achieve their best and develop a lifelong love for learning. If you’re looking for a tutor who is dedicated to your success and committed to making learning a positive experience, I’m here to help!
Suitable Areas
Hello! I’m Mahnoor Batool , a dedicated tutor with *4* years of experience in Maths & Computer . My goal is to make learning engaging and effective for every student I work with. With a teaching experience , I have a solid foundation in Maths & Computer and I’m committed to helping students achieve their academic goals and build confidence in their abilities.