About Candidate
Assalamualaikum I am Muskan .I am a math teacher .I have more than two years teaching experience.
I also pay attentions towards moral character of students with study. With teaching my first priority to make a student a good citizen I also pay attentions to build character of a student as well as with teaches. I also provide a lot of extra material related to study other than books that helps students. As I think a student should not be bound only for a book . I hope you will feel free to contact me
Summarized Profile
My goal as a teacher is to improve my student's education and help them grow knowledgably. I like to see students at different levels develop with each other and learn. I want to challenge the students and watch them grow to their highest level of education.
Classes Taught
- A level
- O level
- Classes 1-8
Subjects taught
- Math
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Pakistan Studies
- History Geography
Tutoring rates
- 20 000 for o level
- 25000 for A level
- 15000 for pre classes grade 1 to 8
Time Availability
My students got more than 500 marks in 9th class last year my one student have got 501 marks last year in 9th grade
My A+ Achieving Strategy
I mostly pay attention to last five year past papers and I arrange a complete test section that help students to secure A+.
Teaching methods
I foucs on the concepts . I take tests of after two weeks all that we have teach during these two weeks
tutor\'s specialty areas
- Math
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Pakistan Studies
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Allow students to pose questions and follow other routes. Letting them guide their own learning will help them learn better and keep them interested in what they're doing.
Work & Experience
A government school second time classes of grade 8.
A private Academy In a city.