Nadia Saba
About Candidate
From My side,I will try My best to deliver my Whole concept to my students.
Summarized Profile
I will be Available for mg student 24 by 7 Hours.I try my best To do my work Honestly.
Classes Taught
Class 9,10,11,12 FBISE
Subjects taught
Science subjects,Biology,Chemistry,Physics
Tutoring rates
500 per subject per day.
1 Hour for Each subject
Time Availability
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
My A+ Achieving Strategy
My SSC score in 2021 was 1070 from FBISE and HSSC pre medical Score was 994 with A+ grade.
Teaching methods
My Teaching method is so simple and My main focus is to deliver my whole knowledge to my students.For my Teaching method Visit my YouTube channel "Edu academy".
tutor\'s specialty areas
I try my best to solve all problems related to studies.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My main goal is To sought out the pain points of any student,giving Him/her the best timetable to study and Helping in each Questions of Subjects.
Suitable Areas
Only online I will be Available.