About Candidate
It’s me sumaira I am expert of mathematics I have done bachelors in mathematics form air university I have teaching experience in 2 years online and schools and coachings.
Classes Taught
Primary to higher
Subjects taught
Mathematics,algebra,integral equation,linear algebra, numerical analysis basic maths
Tutoring rates
10k to 15k per month
Time Availability
Monday to friday (9 am to 9pm ) which suits us.
So there is no testimonials online tuitions .but you will be see me more proficient.
My A+ Achieving Strategy
Yes I m sure if students follow my rules regulation then they can got a higher grades in exams
Teaching methods
I m providing notes follow chapters explanation in theoretically and mathematical performance.
tutor\'s specialty areas
Test preparation, homework
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
I focus on creating an engaging and supportive learning environment tailored to each student's needs, encouraging curiosity and critical thinking. My goal is to empower students to achieve their academic potential and develop a lifelong love for learning.
Suitable Areas
Wahcantt ( barrier 2,3,4) and Hassan abdal area