Nida Sarwar
About Candidate
Classes Taught
Class 1 to 8
Subjects taught
Pak studies
Tutoring rates
10000for class 1 to 2
15000 for class 3 to 4
20000 for class 5 to 6
30000for class 7 to 8
Time Availability
Available at 7pm to 9 pm
Add here those achievements in terms of students results
My A+ Achieving Strategy
As a teacher, you can apply the "SPARK" strategy:
S - Simplify complex topics
P - Practice consistently
A - Active learning and engagement
R - Regular feedback and review
K - Keep motivation high with positive reinforcement
This will help my students secure A grades and achieve academic success!
tutor\'s specialty areas
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Here's a short paragraph:
"As a dedicated teacher, my approach is centered around empowering students to reach their full potential. I strive to create a supportive and engaging learning environment, tailored to each student's unique needs and learning style. My goal is to not only help students achieve academic excellence, but also to foster a love of learning, critical thinking, and confidence. I aim to inspire and motivate my students to secure A grades and beyond, preparing them for success in their future endeavors."
Suitable Areas
Bahria town
DhA Lahore
Izmir Town Lahore
Gulshan-e Ravi
Johar town