About Candidate
I want to work as an online tutor for computer subject in classes I – XII. I’m also interested to work as an online tutor for BS Students of Computer Science. I’m having experience of teaching computer subjects in both school and university levels.
Summarized Profile
I want to work as an online tutor for computer subject in classes I - XII. I'm also interested to work as an online tutor for BS Students of Computer Science. I'm having experience of teaching computer subjects in both school and university levels.
Classes Taught
Classes of Grade IV - XII.
Classes of A and O Levels.
Classes of Undergraduate Level.
Subjects taught
1. Computer Subject from Grade I - XII.
2. Mathematics from Grade V - X.
3. Basic Computer Courses at undergraduate level.
4. Basic Programming Courses at undergraduate level.
5. Major Computer Courses at undergraduate level.
Tutoring rates
Rs. 20,000 per hour for a month at undergraduate level.
Rs. 17,000 per hour for a month at O and A levels.
Rs. 15,000 per hour for a month at Matric and Intermediate levels.
Rs. 10,000 per hour for a month at school level.
Time Availability
Monday - Friday: 3PM - 7PM.
Experience by yourself.
My students always got good result. Heard such words about me and that's my achievement.
1. Ideal teacher,
2. Favorite teacher,
3. Brings improvement in English speaking skill,
4. Focuses on learning
5. Teaches in friendly environment
My A+ Achieving Strategy
1. Focus on learning of students
2. More and more practice about every topic in form of quiz and assignment
3. 100% student's participation
4. 100% freedom to student to question without any hesitation
5. Teach politely in a friendly but disciplined environment
Teaching methods
1. Verbal Method
2. Multimedia Method
3. Practice by quiz, assignment and worksheets
tutor\'s specialty areas
1. Computer Science at BS level
2. Computer Subject at A and O levels
3. ICS
4. Computer Subject from Grade I - XII.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
I believe to teach in a friendly but disciplined environment. For me, the most important thing is satisfaction of student and his learning. I also focus on the points where student needs more guidance. I try to help my students to groom themselves in every aspect related to education and manners.
Suitable Areas
1. Online Tutoring
I'm doing PhD in Computer Science from Quaid - i - Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. I'm in my third year. My course work is completed. I've also passed comprehensive exams. Now, I'm doing my research work. My area of interest is Multimedia Information Retrieval. My topic of research is "PRF - Based Query Expansion in Vertical Web Search Using Graph Theory".
I've done MS in Computer Science from the Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. I've completed MS (CS) with first division. My area of interest was Internet of Things (IoT). My topic of research thesis was "Role of IoT in Agriculture".
I've done B.Ed (1.5 Years) from AIOU, Islamabad, Pakistan. I've done courses about teaching methods, curriculum development, assessment methods. I've also done a research project.
I've completed BS (CS) with first division from the Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. I've done all the basic subjects of computer science and mathematics. I've also completed a project whose title was "Search Operating System and Browser".
I've completed fsc with first division from BISE, Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan.. I've done all the basic subjects of science including biology, chemistry and physics.
I've completed matric with first division from BISE, Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan.. I've done all the basic subjects of science including biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics.
Work & Experience
I'm working as a visiting lecturer in various departments of quaid i azam university. I'm teaching at BS Level. The courses that I'm teaching are 1) Introduction to Computers 2) Computer Skills for Social Sciences 3) Introduction to Programming 4) Computer Applications 5) Introduction of ICT 6) Applications of ICT
I've worked as a computer operator and computer teacher in the Educators School, Punjnad Campus, Ali Pur. I've composed papers for school. I've taught computer subjects from grade IV - VIII.
I've worked as a computer operator and computer teacher in the Grand Pillars School, Bahawalpur. I've taught A - levels computer and mathematics subjects. I've also taught O - levels computer and mathematics subjects. I was also a teacher of computer in junior section.
I've worked in the Islamia University, Bahawalur, Pakistan under an internship. I've worked as a computer operator. I've also taught courses of computer science at BS and MCS Levels. The courses that I've taught are Introduction to Computing, Introduction to Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Operating Systems.