About Candidate
i have done my masters in literature from punjab university lahore.i have ten years experience of teaching as a home tutor English and Sociology A/O levels.i have been teaching in Roots Millennium and Haleem Campus dha phase 5.i am puntual hardworking and dedicated teacher regarding my subjects and student priorities.i have good grip in english language and literture O and A i give my fully response in A/O level sociology.i dont mind place or time i can be present online and physical any given time.
Summarized Profile
i am totally available to teach my said subjects
Classes Taught
A/O levels english and sociology,B.A english,and M.A english
Subjects taught
o and a levels english
Tutoring rates
30k to 50k and more regarding time and place
Time Availability
first day trail is enough to explain testimonial
done my master at the age of 20
My A+ Achieving Strategy
my many students have achieved A plus in English
Teaching methods
not too much platonic but in accordance with the environment of the student
tutor\'s specialty areas
palm city,bahria nasheman,pak arab and central park plus dha
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
give whatever you have to student regarding subjects
Suitable Areas
bharia nasheman and its near
English Literature
Work & Experience
english and islamiat teacher
English and Sociolgy O/A levels