Tehmina Saqib
About Candidate
Summarized Profile
Home Tuitions Adyala Road RWP
Classes Taught
Play Group to 7
Subjects taught
All Subjects
and Also Economics
Tutoring rates
25 to 30 per month
Time Availability
After 3 O Clock
Best Teacher
All Students pass in good grades
Teaching methods
Individual learning, Inquiry-based learning, Lecture-based learning, Technology-based learning, Game-based learning
tutor\'s specialty areas
Test and Exam Preparations, Homework included Activities Practical Work, Power Point Presentations
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
My goal is to introduce them to new perspectives. At the same time, I encourage my students to develop their own unique views to understand.
"Education is the foundation upon which we build our future." I try to remember this every day.
Elementary education is the critical launching point for these young learners, and it is my responsibility to give them a positive experience with a wide range of knowledge, skills and tasks.
Suitable Areas
Adyala Road Rawalpindi
Work & Experience
Office administration and Academic Work
home tuition to class 5 , 6 and Montessori Classes
School Teacher and Administrative work