Umara Arif
About Candidate
This side Umara Arif, with a passion for education and a commitment to provide a positive learning environment, I am a dedicated teacher and learner. Enrolled in a Master’s degree, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the classroom. With excellent communication skills and a genuine desire to see students succeed, I am excited to contribute to the growth and development of young minds.
Classes Taught
class 8 to 12 (science/pre-medical) O levels, A levels ( English, biology), Montessori to class 8 (all subjects)
Subjects taught
- English
- Biology
- chemistry
Tutoring rates
- It depends on the level, time, and number of subjects.
Time Availability
- 10 am to 12 am ( morning )
- 9 pm to 11 pm ( evening )
- Gold Medalist in Bachelors.
- Pak TESOL English language teaching workshop
- Exchange alumni program workshop
- Best academic performance throughout all semesters
- literature and cultural aesthetics
Teaching methods
I believe in creating a virtual classroom that ensures engagement with students through digital tools, facilitating active participation and interactive discussions. I emphasize clarity in communication, breaking down complex concepts into digestible segments, and providing real-time feedback. Regular check-ins and open communication channels are key components of my strategy, that built a strong relationship between me and my students.
tutor\'s specialty areas
- English as the first language
- English as a second language
- English listening and speaking
- English reading and writing
- Biology
- chemistry
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
As an experienced and dedicated educator, my teaching philosophy emphasizes a student-centered learning environment that encourages thinking, collaboration, participation, interaction, and a passion for learning and growth. I believe that all students have their own learning styles, thoughts, and strengths. By recognizing and respecting these differences, I effort to create a classroom atmosphere that fulfills their learning needs. Learning is most effective when it is engaging and interactive. By creating dynamic lessons, I aim to capture students' interest and encourage a deeper understanding of the subject matter. I prefer the active participation of students in the learning journey. By encouraging students to ask questions, voice their opinions, and engage in discussions, I aim to create an environment where critical thinking emerges.
Suitable Areas
- online tutoring all over Pakistan.
currently enrolled
Gold medalist