About Candidate
Mathematics is my favorite subject.It’s deal with dynamical phenomenal of the real world.Due to the tremendous features of mathematics,I decided to the side of mathematics studying and teaching.I have been teaching mathematics for three years.
Summarized Profile
I have expert in mathematics.I believe that ,you may take benefits from my expertise in my mother subject
Classes Taught
9-10 and 11-12
Subjects taught
Mathematics and physics
Tutoring rates
Time Availability
2-3 hour per day
I had already teached the students of 9 ,10,11and 12.They gave excellent result, while l teached them.
Teaching methods
Conceptual based teaching method through example and exact facts and figures about the particular topic .
tutor\'s specialty areas
In mathematics,I really appreciate the topics trigonometry,alberbra and calculus.
tutor\'s teaching philosophy.
Teacher's method should be based on conceptual knowledge and explanation.
Suitable Areas
Rawalpindi, Islamabad