About Candidate

Sania Saeed

Summarized Profile

I have done Bachelor in Zoology, Botany and Applied Psychology and doing BS in Applied Psychology.

Classes Taught
  • FSc
  • class 9-10
  • Class 1-8
  • Montessori

I have taught classes from Nursery to FSc (Pre medical).

Subjects taught
  • Biologyย 
  • Chemistryย 
  • Sciencesย 
  • ALL subjects from class 1 to 10 Mainly Biology, Physics, Chemistry And Math's. And FSc (Pre Medical)
Tutoring rates
  • Maximum 2 hours time...per Subject 4k at middle school level and 5k at Matric level and 7k at intermediate level
Time Availability
  • Evening from 3pm to 6pm

I have 4 years home tuition experience and also 6 months private school teaching experience. My students showed progress in their subjects and got great improvement in their final exam percentage.


Percentage progress from 75% to onwards

My A+ Achieving Strategy

I give proper lecture for understanding and clearing the concepts. And then take quizzes for brainstorming. I use to take written tests next day for analyzing the understanding. Also i use to give the students writing assignment/home work for practicing specially related to Mathematics.

Teaching methods

Proper communication and establish open environment. And by preparing lesson plan in advance. More work on pupil weaknesses and focus on writing skills.

tutor\'s specialty areas

Science subjects Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

tutor\'s teaching philosophy.

I believe in proper communication between student and tutor because in this way student can freely tell about his/her difficulties and ask questions related to topic. And punctuality and responsibility matters a lot.

Suitable Areas
  • G-9/2 Karachi compony Islamabad
  • G8
  • G7
  • G6


BS Psychology 2023
Numl University
BSc 2019
FSc 2017
Matric 2015

Work & Experience

Home tutoring 2022 - till date

I use to teach from class 1 to 10 But my specialty is in science subjects of class 9,10 FSc related to Science subjects including bio, physics and chemistry